It’s time for another ACC Alumni gathering, and what better way to spend a summer afternoon than at Rhinegeist?
We’ll be joining fellow alumni from all ACC schools for a private tour of Rhinegeist’s 110,000 square foot brewing facility, followed by a social gathering. The cost is $10 per person and includes a pint of beer. Tours will start at 2 p.m. and will last 45 minutes. Depending on how many people attend, we will have multiple tours running throughout the afternoon.
All ACC alumni are welcome!
- This is going to be a great event! I am planning on going and would love for you all to come, too. Feel free to call or text me (919) 812-7006 if you have questions. Let’s represent Carolina, and I will look forward to seeing you there! – Sallie King
July 24, 2016
2:00 pm
Rhinegeist Brewery
1910 Elm St Cincinnati OH 45202